This is Judah and our very pregnant friend, Aunt Patty. I thought it was too cute that Judah was all curled up on top of Anna Kate (Patty's soon to be born little girl).
We had some really crazy snow days this week. Andrew LOVED it. He would stand at the door in the morning as say, "hno, hno, hno, out, hno". Hno is snow, if you couldn't get that on your own. Rusty went out and played with him while I enjoyed the snow from inside. They found some kids sledding and Andrew had a blast. He would sled down the hill and then hop up while signing, again? again? again? I wish I had seen it, or that Rusty had taken video. I guess we can all just imagine the cuteness.
This is our forgotten child. Oh poor second borns. We are so neglected!! Judah is still doing GREAT. He goes 8-9 hours at night, and hardly cries at all during the day. Rusty and I have literally forgotten about him during the day until he starts grunting again. Very sad. Andrew loves him with a vengance though. I know that doesn't really make sense unless you've seen it, but he loves him so hard he makes Judah cry. "Andrew, stop kissing your brother so hard" is an actual statement at our house. "Andrew, if when you squeeze Judah your hands shake, you might be squeezing him too hard" Is another favorite.
My boys!