
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Having a Baby

I am tired. I think this is the most rewarding and most exausting thing I've ever done. Learning how to be a mom doesn't happen overnight apparantly. We are well into Andrew's third week of life and feel like things are starting to fall into place. Our first week was shockingly easy. Andrew slept when he was supposed to and ate when he was supposed to. Our second week was a little more difficult. Andrew forgot how to nurse, got his days and nights mixed up, and Rusty went back to work! I cried every day of that second week and spent a lot of time on the phone with lactation consulatants and friends with children. Andrew's week now is back to semi-normal. We're getting the days and nights straight (I think), and he seems to have remembered again what he's supposed to do for nursing. I do feel like all I do is feed this kiddo. It is the coolest thing though that God made me capable of providing for my son. How anyone could experience pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood without beleiving in an all powerful, intentional, creator God, is beyond me. Everything has a purpose. This kid lived inside me, in water, and now he's here, in air!! How cool is that?!? My God is good. After years of trying for this baby, he's here. Andrew is beautiful and growing quickly. He's going to be a toddler before I know what hit me.


Laura said...

God certainly is the creator of great things.

Grandma Laura

Laura said...

God certainly is the creator of great things.

Grandma Laura

Alan Knox said...

We still talk about those early days with Jeremy and Miranda. They were very difficult for us as well. Margaret was never able to breastfeed either one of them, and it brought her to tears many, many times. Then, when Miranda was only 10 days old (and Jeremy 3 1/2), Jeremy broke his arm. We certainly would not want to relive those days, but somehow - God's grace alone - we all lived through it. I'm glad to hear that things are going better for you this week.


tenjuices said...

I think you will be a great mom. And Rusty will be a fantastic dad if he can keep the kid away from the Cardinals.
I feel bad for him the first time he crosses you and then you toothpaste his neck