
Friday, May 23, 2008

Like a Father

I am sorry I haven't put up more pictures of our boy yet, we've been insanely busy with guests in and out of the house. Right now our friends Ed and Leah are visiting with their two boys, Samuel and Joel. We are having a great time. Joel is just three weeks older than Andrew and it is amazing to see the differences. Rusty has just started back to his second job so his time is very limited at home. Man am I lucky to have a husband who will work two jobs so that I can stay home with our baby. What I've realized this week is that my love for Andrew is unlike my love for anyone else in my life. I love my family, my friends, and my husband, and though all those loves are different, they have similarities. I just can't believe that there is nothing like a parent's love for a child. You can't help but make the parallel to God. I've always looked at God as a Father and compared the analogy to my relationship with my father. I am blessed to have a dad who wears the title, Father, like a gold medal. But, now that I am a mother, I am looking at my relationship with God a little differently. If God is our Father, than we are his children. Now that I have a child I see that that is a love with no strings. Andrew is nothing but an inconvenience to me. He demands my time and energy and gives me nothing in return. I have to wake up in the middle of the night to feed him and all he does is give me a dirty diaper in return. We are nothing but an inconvenience to God and He loves us like a Father. WOW! God is good. We don't deserve His love, yet He gives it to us like a father to a child (at least how a father should to a child). I hope that you all have recieved the love of the Father... there is nothing like it.


Anonymous said...

Well, it's pretty funny how many of the pictures have a sleeping or prone adult with Andrew on or near them! Babies do make you tired, suck energy and need everything done for them. However, the more one serves his or her child, the deeper the love grows. The getting something in return is not so important. God allows us to grow spiritually through the picture of parent child. I tried to tell you and your sister that so many times! Of course, life and the lessons of experience are the best teacher. You and Rusty are in for a full or abundant life. Children are a blessing. God is good, always. --Grandma or Obaasan (Japanese for Grandmother)

Christy said...

As I was reading your post, I had to reread where you stated that Andrew is an inconvenience to you and I thought how awful initially but then I thought and you're right children are an inconvenience that we usually choose to have (Lord willing). Now that both of mine are full of smiles and laughter, I forget how much of an inconvenience they were in the beginning. No I don't get to sleep through the night but only on rare occasions but that smile and that laugh are all worth every bit of inconvenience that they bring. God Bless you for stating a fact and seeing that connection to God and his awesome love for us.