
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Braggin' on my Boys

Andrew is a genius. For serious. This kid is already smarter than me and it's humbling. At least it puts the whole to home-school or not question to rest... 

Rusty recently started talking about how he wanted to teach Andrew how to play chess. I thought it was much too early, but sure enough, in a couple days, Andrew was setting the board up perfectly and offering to teach me how all the pieces move. He knows how to castle (?), the names of all the pieces, and how they all move. It's incredible. The other day I found him sitting on the ground playing both sides of the board... correctly... by himself. Harvard better clear a spot for Rusty's baby! 

Judah goes "swimming" in a cooler in the front yard. 

This one's mine!


Laura said...

Wow ....a smart little Guy, grandma is so proud of him

Laura said...

Judah, grandma love's your swimming pool!!! I am gonna have to come swim with you very soon! You are such a cutie pie I could just squeeze you to death (but mom would probable get mad at me) So I will just squeeze you until I want to stop. Love you sweet boy

Laura said...

Andrew, you are just too smart young man. Tell daddy to keep up the good work teaching you things! Grandma is so proud of you!!!!! I still have your daddy's great grandpa's chest set so when you come and see me you guys can take it home with you

Laura said...

Oh Andrew grandma is so sorry I made a big mistake, it's not a chess set it's a domino set. Either way you can have it. Grandma will continue to save it for your daddy and I'm sure he will hand it down to you :)

Anonymous said...

These boys are the smartest, cutest and most wonderful little things. Rusty is a great teacher of Greek, Hebrew and chess! Jessica, you do such a great job keeping us in the know, thanks a million. I'm with Laura, I want to squeeze the little faces right off of these grandboys...
Grandma (Sandi)